Michał Leśniewski, Trochę egzotyki. - raport z badań w archiwach i bibliotekach Republiki Południowej Afryki, w: Archeion, t. 116, wyd. NDAP, Warszawa 2015, ss. 111-124
"Michał Leśniewski, A little bit of exoticism. A report on research in archives and libraries of
South Africa, The archive system of South Africa is not particularly well known in Poland. However, it
is worth looking at South African archives, as with all their otherness they have a lot in common with
our diffi cult situation, mainly related to underfunding. The second reason is that after the apartheid
era the system has been extensively modifi ed. This text presents not only the legal framework of the
archival system and its changes after 1994, but fi rst of all constitutes a report on stay at these archives
and an attempt to show a more practical side of using them. The author decided to share his personal
experience in order to bring the specifi city of the functioning of South African archives closer to those